
Friday, 19 August 2011

Model Making: 54mm Mini Diorama

Recently I have been concentrating on putting my 15mm Critical Mass Games ARC Fleet army together. After painting around 50 15mm infantry figures with four colour camouflage and and shading, I was about ready for a bit of a change. So I decided to tackle a 54mm resin figure, by the name of Lucky from Dark Age Games that I picked up a while ago.

We Eat Tonight 1

I have been following the Massive Voodoo figure painting blog for a a year or more and I like their basing style, so I took my inspiration from there.

I have not recorded this project as it progressed, so here I am simply showing a selection of photos of the finished piece, which I titled “We Eat Tonight”. I was going to call it “The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo”, but I believe that that title is already taken, and the post apocalyptic theme I used seemed to fit the final title…

We Eat Tonight 9We Eat Tonight 10We Eat Tonight 11We Eat Tonight 12We Eat Tonight 13We Eat Tonight 14

I laser cut the plinth with the dragon design and also built up the blocked sewer and drain cover with laser cut pieces. The Stop Sign is a piece of laser cut 2mm acrylic. The rat was originally sculpted as an earring from a design by comic artist Colin MacNeil (from a project we worked on together year ago). The water in the sewer was created using clear resin,with a hint of blue dye in it, poured over a piece of yellow transparent acrylic with tissue paper behind it to diffuse the light.

We Eat Tonight 2We Eat Tonight 3We Eat Tonight 4We Eat Tonight 5We Eat Tonight 6We Eat Tonight 7We Eat Tonight 8 

The dragon tattoo on the girl’s leg is copied from the design laser cut and backlit on the plinth.


Now that this piece is finished I am moving back towards painting figures for gaming and with the recent releases from Hydra Miniatures, it was about time I got back to painting my 30mm pulp sci-fi figures. You’ll see more of those very soon…

1 comment:

  1. Beaultiful! I´m late in my comment but I had to do it... just awesome!
