
Monday, 27 February 2012

Interesting Model Painting Tool

I recently found this neat little app for my Android smartphone, called Hobby Color Converter, it lists ranges of acrylic paint available from Tamiya, Revell, Humbrol and just this week they have added Vallejo.

Not only do they have lists with colour swatches, but the app also shows the comparable colour paint available from the other three manufacturers.

I haven’t actually used the app while in a shop looking to buy a pot, but I will be keeping it on my phone, with anticipation that it may well come in useful…

hobby color1hobbycolor2hobbycolor3

If you use any of these brands of paint it is well worth checking out!

Here is the link to the Android Market page LINK

1 comment:

  1. And there was me thinking about getting rid of my phone altogether! Nice heads up, thank you.
