
Friday, 15 June 2012

Infamy Miniatures

There have been a rash of companies jumping on to the crowd fundraising bandwagon recently. With several wildly successful campaigns, CoolMiniorNot with it’s Zombieside board game, CMON again and Studio McVey with Sedition Wars board game and Mantic with their Kings of War board game, to name a few.

However, I would like to highlight a more humble project that has also reached it’s basic funding threshold and is stretching out into further rewards to subscribers. Infamy Miniatures came to my attention several months back with the release of their steampunk themed twisted visions of Dr Jekyll and Sherlock Holmes. Both of which were immediately added to my want list (although I didn’t buy them straightaway due to other commitments at the time).

I recently discovered that Infamy were expanding their range with a Dr Watson figure, the companion piece for Holmes. This Watson figure would be crowd funded via the Indiegogo site, One of the pledge levels offered both the Watson figure and two other figures from the Infamy range; a perfect time for me to get Holmes and Jekyll then…

The fundraiser has gone from strength to strength, making 3 times the original goal so far, still with 18 days to go.

I would suggest that anyone with a interest in steampunk figures, or simply beautifully sculpted diorama pieces checks it out:-

As the initial goal has been well and truly passed extra incentives and rewards have been added, the latest being a scenic base for those that contribute $58 or more. Also the next figure in the range (Edwina Hyde, companion piece to Jekyll)  has been considerably accelerated (and I hope it may make it into the rewards scheme as well, in some form).

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