
Thursday, 16 January 2014

Planning for 2014

I have been pretty quiet on the blog for a couple of weeks, mainly due to being extremely busy and trying to juggle several projects at the one time. Now seems like a good time to step back, look at some of those projects and plan ahead for this year.

I built some new winter terrain boards over the Christmas break and I will show you those once I have had a chance to take a few pictures. I also threw together the Renedra Ramshackle Barn that I received for Christmas (thanks Jeff) and will post some photos once I have finished adding some scenics to it!

I have also started preparation for putting together Alliance Model Works 1:144 scale Steampunk Coastal Submarine. This is a beautiful kit and seems to be very well made. I am going to run a series of articles following my build of this kit.

This is Alliance Model Works' own photo of the sub, I will post mine once I get it together.
 I am trying to finish off painting several steampunk miniatures at the moment, as my gaming group (that sounds rather grand as there are only the three off us, Jeff, Del and myself) are planning to start an In Her Majesty's Name campaign in a few weeks time. Once again I'll post some photos once i have finished them off.

I am also working on a couple of laser cutting projects, but I can't really go into them at the moment.

I had planned a grand scheme, where I would set a goal of painting a certain number of miniatures per week/month to achieve a better turnaround rate than last year (stealing the idea from Steve Blease), but with some pretty diverse jobs coming along, sometimes quite unexpectedly (such as the submarine above which dropped into my schedule almost totally out of the blue, and is going to involve a lot of work to really do it justice), it is not realistic to set myself paining goals that I have very little chance of keeping. I feel that I would be far better off setting more vague goals. So I have decided to aim to do an evenings painting at least once a week, hopefully more than that. I have also imposed a New Years Resolution on myself, that I wont watch unplanned TV anymore. No more sitting down and channel hoping until I find some distraction. If there there is nothing on that I really want to watch I will go and do something creative instead...

1 comment:

  1. Hey,

    very cool idea. Loking forward to see more of this project. Very inspiring.

    Best regards,Dellolyn
