
Monday, 20 October 2014

SKELP! 2014 Wargames Show Report

My gaming pal Jeff, my son and myself headed off to SKELP! in Forfar on Saturday. It is a very small wargames show and I have a bit of a cold at the moment, so I wasn't particularly expecting to have a great day. However, it turned out it be great fun and we all had a good time!

Both Jeff and myself had taken a few things to put into the Bring and Buy sale. Jeff sold all his stuff, and I sold enough that I felt it had been worth taking it with me.  Generally though the Bring and Buy was quite disappointing as there wasn't really that much in the sale this year. I did pick up a bag (about a dozen figures) of 28mm modern British troops for £5. It struck me that they would be useful for our planned foray into the Post Apocalyptic world early next year. We will probably be using Across The Dead Earth, and these figures will easily make up a force for that...

The show itself seemed well attended and most of the attendees seemed to hang around for most of the day, so there wasn't much of a lull. There were two or three participation tables, although we only got to have a go at one of them, the RAF Leuchars (Veterans) Dambusters game. We ended up doing this one three times, as my son found it great fun...

Time for the photo dump!

First up, we have a Warzone participation game. If I see these guys again at another show I will probably try to get a game, as my son and I have tried their games over the past couple of years and we enjoyed them both!

 This was a lovely Hadrian's Wall game. Unfortunately I didn't get any time to chat with them, but I did get these photos.


The Guys from The Geek Room, in Aberdeen (our recently founded new club) put on an X-Wing demo and participation sessions.

 Kirriemuir Wargames Club put on a large ancients game... I didn't get a chance to look closely enough (and it's not really my period) so I can't be more precise than that!

 This was the RAF Leuchars (Veterans) Dambusters game. The photos weren't from our sessions as we didn't manage to get a total success and take out the dam in a single hit...

I entered a couple of pieces into the painting competition, something I don't normally do as I don't usually rate my painting skills to high (I usually concentrate on the scratch building and putting together and then rush through the paint job...). However to my surprise I won the Best Single Figure category with my Smart Max Lord Holmes figure.

 Then, I managed a second place with the Alliance Model Works Steampunk Submarine for the Best Vehicle or Monster...

 On top of all that I walked away with three raffle prizes. A copy of A Fistful of Kung Fu, very handy as we are planning on playing it soon and the 1st and 2nd Raffle Prizes (£60 in vouchers for Figures in Comfort, and £45 in Vouchers for Dave Thomas, respectively).

So all in all it turned out to be a very good show for me. I hadn't planned on spending very much, just picking up half a dozen figures from Crooked Dice. I did pick up some Vallejo paints from Minibits, as there is nowhere local to get them any more. I had been considering getting some of Fireforge Games Templar figures to use with  Lion Rampant. Anyway, once I had spent all my winnings, I ended up going home with quite a lot...

The Netrunner Card game from Fantasy Flight Games (courtesy of my 1st place in the painting competition - voucher from Highlander Games in Dundee). 4Ground Japanese house (courtesy of my 2nd place in the painting competition - voucher from Colonel Bill's), for the planned sessions of Ronin. Three cases with foam inserts from Figures in Comfort, and yes I did get the Fireforge boxes thanks to the Dave Thomas voucher...

In conclusion, it is probably going to be quite difficult for me to give an unbiased review of the show, as I ended up doing so well out of it. However, I must say that the three of us all had a pretty good time even before we got to the prize giving part of the day...


  1. Hi guys, I am a member of the Angus Wargames Club and am creating a SKELP Facebook page. I saw your panoramic shot of the show online and wondered if you would allow me to use the image as our cover picture on the page please?


    1. Your comment got stuck in my spam filter and i have only just found it. Yes you can use the photo on your facebook page.
