
Thursday, 13 November 2014

TARGE 2014 Wargames Show

Last Saturday I took my sons down to TARGE in Kirriemuir. I don't usually take my younger son as he has been a bit young to spend the whole day there and used to get bore easily. However, this year my wife was working and so it seemed like a good opportunity to see if he would enjoy the show too. I shouldn't have worried, both boys were were very keen to dive in to some demo games, the younger one actually joined a game while my back was turned at one point.

After my success in the painting competition at SKELP a couple of weeks ago I was keen to put some things in to the TARGE painting competition too. I went a bit overboard and put two units in, a group in the Sci-Fi and Fantasy category, my steampunk submarine, and two single figure entries too. More on that later!

On to the photos...

First off, we have a Two Fat Lardies  Chain of Command participation game. This was a nice table with plenty of snow (Baking Soda).

I didn't get a chance to talk to the chaps running this Wings of War game, but just seeing has reminded me that I really need to dig out my copy and give a play or two. Might be one to introduce to the boys as they have been learning about the First World War at school...

Glasgow Games Group have put on some fun games over the past few years and this year was no different. Aiming squarely at the fun end of things the game (titled Tanks of War) was a simple tank duel with either Light, Medium or Heavy tanks chasing each other around a small village.  My sons faced off against each other and proceeded to pound each others tanks into the ground. Great fun all around.

This was a large Vietnam game and I must say it looked very effective with all those trees. I would have been tempted to based them in groups rather than individually though, as I can see many getting knocked over during play.

I'm not really familiar with Sails of Glory, but the ships did look rather splendid...

It is nice to see that Epic is popular,  and this was a fantastic display table, every square inch was packed with detail. Truly an Epic battle!

Another wonderful Vietnam table. Not quite so big as the last one, but it does have a slight edge in the quality of the terrain.

A nice, small scale (15mm) Bannockburn game, showing just what cvan be done with the Hexon terrain system...

My younger son joined this Pegasus Bridge game while my back was turned (seems he was enjoying the participation games). The game had 4 units of British Paratroopers advancing on the bridge which was guarded by 4 machine gun nests and a field gun. Basically playing as a race, the objective was to get to the bridge, eliminate the defensive forces and capture the gun.

I don't normally play boardgames while at shows, we do enough of that at home. However the boys liked the look of King of New York, a Godzilla style monster fight game. It turned out to be great fun, and we hope to play it again in the near future...

This was a nice looking colonial game. I am slowly getting my own camel corps painted up, and eventually I hope to get some serious colonial gaming going...

I am not quite sure what this game was, but I am looking for any winter inspiration as I am planning on building some winter boards soon.

This was a very attractive Saga game. I thought, the ruin on the left was especially nice!

Not to sure about this one, and to be honest, the terrain was rather basic, still the figures were nice, and it looked an interesting game...

A modern naval game, and yes my son did photo-bomb this one...

As I said at the beginning, I entered the painting competition. Did rather well again, picking up a 1st, 2nd and 3rd, in various categories, this give me a second trophy that I will need to have engraved!

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