
Monday, 12 October 2015

Frostgrave Scenery Project Part 07

Part 01Part 02Part 03Part 04Part 05, Part 06

I feel I am ready to start slapping some paint on now..
I have decided to paint the tower a dark grey and the flanking buildings in more pastel tones.
Firstly, I paint the tower with a coat of black household emulsion paint. This gives a good base coat to work with and hides some minor gaps.

I also painted most of the rubble around the base of the tower with the black emulsion. After all it is supposed to be part of the fallen tower.

The two building at either side also got a coat of emulsion, but this time in a creamy colour.

At this point I painted the base with a Burnt Umber acrylic. I will probably tone it down and add some grey over it to add to the required cold feel later on. I also painted any areas of sand on the rubble piles with the same Burnt Umber.

For the tower, I worked into it with various greys, sometimes mixed through with a little Burnt Sienna, just to warm it up a little. I added above and below the windows and doors to suggest smoke and watermarks.

I painted one of the buildings with Burnt Sienna and the other with a pale mint green colour. Actually a pretty ghastly colour, but once I have aged it and distressed it, it should be OK. Door and window frames also got a coat of Burnt Sienna. I am trying to complete the project with as little fuss as possible, so using the same colours simplifies and reduces the stages involved.

The tiles on the roof also got a quick coat of dark grey.

The paint job is very crude so far, but with some aging/distressing and the addition of frost, snow and ice it should all tie in together...

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