
Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Warbears and Stagriders - Painting a couple of new Minis (Part 02)

I managed to get another evening to work on these miniatures, over the weekend.

I painted to bases with Burnt Umber, purely to tone them down and make painting the figures a little easier. I will go back and do a lot more work on the bases after I have finished the figure painting.

I have now worked my way over most of the miniatures with the base coats. Getting the initial colours sorted out and preparing the way for a bit more detail work.

The green and red on the bear rider is a little striking at the moment, but that should settle down once I have toned it down and added some shadow and highlights.

As for the bear itself, I am pretty pleased with the way that the white has worked, It certainly stands out...
The inside of a polar bears mouth and lips are very dark grey or black. At the moment I have gone with red, but I will be working on this a lot more, to make it much darker. The red is very eye catching and I like it, but it needs to be a little closer to reality, I think!

I have started to do some tonal work on the bear adding creamy/yellowy tones to the underside of the various parts of the bear. It doesn't show up at all in these photos, which suggests that I may need to strengthen it up a bit.

With the stag rider I have gone for a Black an Silver theme for the armour and clothes, so to brighten her up a bit have made her a redhead.

I have had some issues with the antlers and the left hand holding the spear. They have come off several times. There is such a small area for the glue to take that the bond is quite weak. I am tempted to go back and drill them out and pin them, but I would probably have to use a 1/2mm drill bit for this. Anyway, they seem to have bonded well enough now...

I have lighted this photo to show the paint on the stag, which is why the rider is bleached out. Once again I have started some tonal work on the stag, but it doesn't show very well in the photos so I guess I need to strengthen it up a bit...

Even with my issues with the antlers and hand, these are lovely sculpts and they are so easy to paint. They are a pleasure to work on!