
Thursday, 17 November 2016

Wargames Show Report - TARGE 2016

The main hall (this photo makes it look smaller that it actually is).

Last Saturday I visited the annual TARGE wargames show in Kirriemuir. I wasn't feeling particularly good as I was suffering from a severe cold, however, I usually enjoy the day and I wanted to give my support to this small, but well-respected show.
I only had one son with me for this trip (the other was at a Cub Scout Camp), and we got to the show around 45 minutes after the doors opened. The first thing that hit was just how many tables they had crammed in, both in the main hall and in the small side hall too. There were a great selection of different games on display, and plenty to keep our attention.

I will get straight in to the photo dump...

I will comment where necessary.

My son and I sat in on a couple of games. The first was this one set in Borneo with tw groups of SAS (using Commando Miniatures lovely figures) trying to get back to their helicopter from the far corner of the table. Encounters included local militia, a group of orangutans and something far more sinister! Lets just say that neither of us "Got to da choppa"!

Once again I entered the painting competition. I ended up with a second place in the Army category, so I was fairly happy with that!
The standard was very high across all the categories, as you can see in these photos.

A good show all round. I bought a little more than I had planned, although most of it was from the Bring n' Buy, so not too expensive. I also ended up with three raffle prizes, so the day finished on a high note...


  1. Games, good ties with your son and a prize - sounds and looks like a grand day out David!
