The first release which is already available is a slightly revised version of my Nodding Donkey kit.
Wednesday, 27 March 2013
Laser Cut Nodding Donkey available to buy!
The first release which is already available is a slightly revised version of my Nodding Donkey kit.
Tuesday, 19 March 2013
Scatter Ruins for wargames tables
After my recent post on 15mm scale ruins I dug out all my building ruins and thought it was worth getting them prepped for use.
Firstly, we have the 1/100 scale ruins that featured in the last blog post. I have added the building I put together from the second sprue now (rear right of the photo). These were the Ebay find that possibly comes from the Russian company Teknolog.
Next up, the Games Workshop Lord of the Rings ruins (I think they came with the Fellowship of The Ring set). I like these as they have a fair bit of style about them, but they could pass as Art Deco, so would work for almost any period right through to sci-fi games. they could also be used for different scales right down to 15mm without looking out of place.
This is the classic Games Workshop 40K ruins. Fortunately they don’t feature GW’s recent taste in adding skulls to everything, so they work well as a ruined church (or other gothic building).
The following items came out of a couple of model kits.
The first is from the Gigantics Giant Scorpion kit. I put the Scorpion togther and have it stored away for a future project. The building that came with it, although technically around the 1/200 scale I think, are useable with 15mm figures as the doors are not too small…
The main problems with them are, firstly the weird way that the rubble on the front of the building seems to have stuck to the building instead of falling to the ground and also the lack of backs to the buildings. I don’t think they will be too difficult to get around, just adding some plain walls with the odd window…
The second Gigantics kit is the Tarantula.
Again the building has no back, also the electrical gubbins is open at the back too. I will use it against a wall to hide the back.
Next up I have a couple of smallish resin pieces. The first is from iKore, and although the range was nominally 28mm, the size of the door, and the bunker as a whole would probably suit a 1/72 scale or 15mm scale game better than it does 28mm.
The same can be said for this old Kryomek emplacement from Scotia Grendel Productions.
My final post in this series looking at small ruins and scatter terrain items will look at the Alzo Zero 1/72 battlefield ruins set.
Friday, 1 March 2013
15mm Scale Plastic Ruins!
I picked up a couple of sprues of 1/100 scale ruins on Ebay last year. I recently got around to putting them together and I must say I was very please with them.
The auction allowed multiple purchases, and as I was not too certain about the trader I only went for a couple. However, I now wish I had bought two or three more.
Once I had clipped all of the parts from the frames I soon had them put together. The kits are very versatile and can be put together in many different ways.
The made up the first sprue into these two pieces. If positioned well, they can be used as either the two halves of a large building or as a couple of smaller separate ruins.
As you can see, they are pretty generic, suitable for everything from early 20th century through to Sci-Fi gaming.
I’ll post photos of the other set in a few days…
Unfortunately I haven’t seen any more of these sets on Ebay, but I would certainly recommend them if anyone does actually manage to find some.