
Friday, 2 November 2012

Charity Judge Dredd Mini

Frother Unite forum is producing a limited miniature of Judge Minty (check your JD history - there is also a Judge Minty fan film in the works) for anyone that donates to their charity fund drive.

If you are a fan of Judge Dredd, excellent miniature sculpting (Kv White is the sculptor), or simply want to support a couple of great charities please check it out.

In the style of modern crowd-funding schemes, the more you give, the more you get... The details are here:-

A donation gets you a mini...

A donation of £25 also gets you a display base done by Geronimo

A donation of £35 also gets you the Judge Minty sign done by Warpy

A donation of £50 also gets you a signed print by Barry Renshaw - see page 11 for details

A donation of £60-£99 gets you an original signed 'convention style' ink by Barry (limited to 10)

A donation of £100+ gets you an original signed water colour and ink painting of a key scene from Judge Minty by Barry (limited to 6 - 4 already claimed)

Judge Minty himself (Edmund Dehn) has also offer to sign any of the prints/drawings/paintings Very Happy

If you want multiple Mintys a suggested donation would be £15 each

To donate go to the Just Giving pages:

MS Society -

Cancer Research -

Then, and this is the important bit because it’s changed from past years, send an e-mail to charitymini AT gmail DOT com with;

1. Your Name
2. The address you want the mini sent to
3. Your Just Giving reference number
4. Your preference as to Metal or Trollcast or both


So far we've raised over £4.5K - that's only a couple of hundred shy of last year's total Shocked

However, the allocation is starting to run down obviously... there are only about 50 of the metal version left and 100 of the Trollcast

Cheers, and thanks to everyone who's already donated Cool

A very worthy endeavour and you can acquire a lovely figure too...

btw both Rebellion (publishers of 2000AD) and Mongoose Publishing (manufacturers of the existing JD figure range) have given their approval to this blatant IP infringement...

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