
Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Wargames Show Report: TARGE 2012

Last weekend the 26 annual wargames show was held in Kirrimuir. The TARGE show is one of two shows held in the North East of Scotland that are usually held about a month apart (the other being SKELP, which I reported a couple of posts ago).

TARGE2012 - The main hall!

Now having a couple of shows so geographically close together and at a similar time of year, is bound to lead to comparisons. I usually try to judge each show on it’s own merits, and I enjoyed both shows, however, this year TARGE clearly attracted more visitors, traders and games.

The venue was in a school (where it has been for the past few years, which proved to be a reasonable location with two or three decent size rooms. Unfortunately the catering left a little to desire, with only a selection of small sandwiches, pies and cakes being available, but I suppose this is standard for many smaller shows!

The quality of tables was especially high, with some very nicely modelled terrain. So with that here are my usual batch of photos, with comments where relevant.

ACW 15mmACW 28mm

A couple of ACW games, 28mm and 15mm.

Band of Brothers 2Band of Brothers

A simply done WW2 game that looked very effective!

Beneath the Lily BannerBlack Powder

Beneath the Lily Banner and Black Powder.

Napoleonic Naval 2Napoleonic Naval

Napoleonic Naval Battle.

Possibly AWIWithin The Hollow Crown

A couple of very attractive games that unfortunately I am not very familiar with!


World War 1 and an X-Wing Demo

Watch This Space - 1Watch This Space - 2

My son and I sat in on a game of Watch This Space, a pulp sci-fi game put on by the South East Scotland Wargames Club. The game featured several teams of “Good Guys” and “Bad Guys”, of which we got to choose one each. My son choose the marines from Aliens, including Ripley (many of the teams were somewhat familiar from Scooby Doo, Dr Who and other familiar franchises) and I chose a squad of Hydra Miniatures Robots as it gave me a chance to actually play with some of the figures in my collection…

Watch This Space - underground 1Watch This Space - underground 2Watch This Space - 3

As well as the tables shown here several of the same tables were on display as were seen at SKELP, so a very full and interesting display.

As well as the excellent tables on display there were also a good selection of trade stands covering most peoples needs and I was happy to see Four A Miniatures in attendance again so that I could pick up his newer Snow Troopers.

Also, at the Bring and Buy, I managed to pick up a small force of Demonworld 15mm barbarians which will go nicely alongside my Copplestone Barbarians, for my slowly brewing 15mm fantasy ancient Britain plans…

All in all TARGE was a fun and enjoyable show.

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